UBCO Graduate Student Works Exhibit

MARCH 2021

As part of Light Up Kelowna’s art-dedicated urban screen projection in the Rotary Centre for the Arts, UBCO graduate students showcased their work.

The exhibit was developed in the context of Graduate Studio in Visual Arts course that involves the critical analysis and production of independent artwork in various disciplines.

Neuroqueer Imaging is an interdisciplinary contribution to an ongoing cultural shift regarding the life narratives of queer autistic women. Through a combination of qualitative research methods like arts based research (ABR) and feminist autoethnography, I utilize digital drawing as a language and as a means to explore the experiences, senses, and emotions of living as a queer woman on the spectrum. These image explorations are guided and interrogated through applications of critical theory that range from multiple fields —disability studies, feminist and queer theory, as well as posthumanism— and seek to show how the autistic researcher is deeply embedded and therefore best suited to contribute to autism research. “Neuroqueer Imaging” is a project that both shows autists as capable, subjective beings with a uniquely deep capacity for emotional and social intelligence, but further, it is an affective artistic experience that has life beyond the research paper: the images have capacity for multiple readings

Sam Neal’s Inland Waters, 2021, captures the exploration of time, place and process. Sam collaborates with water bodies in the Okanagan using an early photographic process, cyanotype; a photographic process that utilizes UV light to create cyan-blue prints. He is a multi-disciplinary photographer, artist and Master of Fine Arts candidate at UBCO.

Rylan Broadbent’s #FAKENEWS examines how a recognizable symbol can be transformed across virtual and physical spaces in an attempt to destabilize and subvert the body of meaning. As a multidisciplinary artist and Masters of Fine Arts candidate Rylan examines the nature of symbols and meaning through a physical language of materials and gestures.

Jacen Dennis’ triptych Continuous Breath explores the concepts of gender transition and familial loss through slow looping animation. The imagery is derived from the recent loss of his sister juxtaposed with his own body, and the joy in its transformation. Jacen is a transgender digital media artist and Masters of Fine Arts candidate at UBC Okanagan.

Scott Lebaron Moore’s sisymbrium altissimum, 2021, is a three channel video created on the unceded territories of the Syilx/Secwépemc nations in the North Okanagan. It is a pairing of re-discovered home video with found historical text to contextualize the complexity of being in space and place. Scott is an interdisciplinary artist and Master of Fine Arts candidate at UBCO.

Huiyu Chen’s the Container, 2020, is exploration and examination of self within the transpersonal bodyshell. The series examines the relations of the self to the world to convey how the body can contain an infinity within it. Huiyu is an interdisciplinary artist and Masters of Fine Arts candidate at UBCO.

Natasha Harvey’s mixed media paintings, Okanagan Lake and Kalamalka Lake, are abstracted landscapes and bodies of water of the unceded Syilx Territory. Natasha’s Masters of Fine Arts thesis art work evokes an emotional connection to the beauty of the Okanagan Valley through poetic juxtaposition and layered metaphor.

Brittany Reitzel’s X, is a land based, site specific performance piece created on unceded Syilx territory near Kalamalka Lake. It is a documentation of reattuning the settler body to the land through the intermediary of clay. As a Master of Fine Arts candidate at UBCO, Brittany works in an expanded field of painting and sculpture.

Yujie Gao‘s media artwork Individuals is about the interdependency between individuals and the constantly chaotic universe. The work is a collaboration with electronic music duo Frankfurt Helmet. With sharing experience of living in Wuhan, China for many years between the collaborators, the work was created in 2020, shortly before COVID 19 lockdown was lifted in Wuhan. The work is dedicated to every individual who’s rights and freedoms were infringed during this period. Yujie is a Ph.D. student in the Digital Arts and Humanities theme of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies program at UBCO.