Here is a Tutorial Page on how to format the Website.



Pages can be created through the “PAGES” tab when you first open SquareSpace. They have many options, but typically if I need to start a new Page, you click the “+” icon, I’ll make it a “blank page.”

There is a difference between “Main Navigation” and the Pages in the “Unlinked” area.

Main Navigation consists of the items immediately accessible through the Homepage. The Icons with the little box and downward arrow (Drop down menus) are folders containing the Homepage menu -

Menu Titles: (Home, Become a Member, About Us, Artscape, Light Up Kelowna, News, Workshop & Events Calendar, Exhibitions, Archives, Resources, Contact Us)

In each of these Drop-down Menu Titles there are corresponding Pages. So if a new page needs to be added to “Light up Kelowna” for example, you’d create your new page underneath that Drop Down.

Unlinked Pages are pages that are not directly linked on the homepage navigation, but need to be linked in other areas of the site. Unlinked Pages keep the Main Navigation clean and less bloated. If we linked every exhibition page under the Main exhibitions tab, it would be very glitchy.

For example, I want to create a dedicated page to a new exhibition. You create a blank page in the “Unlinked” area to make a special page for the exhibition.

  • Title the Page

  • Click the “⚙️” icon to open the “Page Settings”

  • In the URL Slug, make sure the url makes sense and searchable for later use. This Test Page will be searchable under /test when attaching links to buttons. (I’ll show what this looks like shortly)

    Below I’m starting a new Section so visually you can see what this process looks like.

Test the “Test” Button here!

Linked buttons can be placed on any page to direct viewers to other parts of the site.

For a new exhibition page, I’d usually create a button for both the homepage (exhibition feature section) and the Exhibition homepage.

How to save a Section

See above: Hovering over a Section to access the menu. By clicking the “❤️” icon the section is saved to the “Saved Section Menu”

How to Add a Section

See above: Sections are segments of space where “Blocks” can be inserted.

Blocks consist of images, videos, text, etc.

Sections can be extended as long as you need but the website functions better if posts are broken up into numerous Sections. Smaller Sections can be Saved and reused for consistency later.

How to Update the Exhibitions Page

Below is a slideshow walk through on how to update the “on now” section and move the listing to the “past exhibition” section.

The Exhibitions Page is located in the Main Navigation. This is the “landing page” for viewers to see our exhibitions (both past and present.)

Here’s a visual guide on how to update the Exhibitions Page.

The way this page works is that it’s a kind of “headliner list” with a section that for shows “on now” and the section below it is for “past exhibitions.” These headliners consist of:

  • The show title (as an image, I like to use the vinyl file)

  • A text box title.

  • A small description

  • Dates

  • A button that directs the viewer to an “unlinked page” that’s dedicated to the show.

(See Below)

The below section is a saved template for you to use if needed. This is for the main Exhibitions Page.



ARTSCO Community Gallery

Month 00 - Month 00, 0000

I’m the text box. Please write a short description on the exhibition. You can directly use the Artist Statement and Exhibition information that the artist has provided.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sodales venenatis velit eget efficitur. Sed et odio sed erat eleifend blandit et id nibh. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi lobortis felis velit, ut maximus sem finibus sit amet. Duis interdum dolor leo, quis sollicitudin sapien dapibus porta. Praesent tristique lacus ornare egestas sagittis. Integer luctus orci vitae ante condimentum viverra. Suspendisse aliquet sit amet magna quis malesuada. Fusce vehicula mi dolor. Ut vestibulum laoreet sollicitudin. Nulla ultrices, neque ut pretium ullamcorper, sapien dolor auctor ex, nec aliquam mauris diam id felis. Sed luctus varius ipsum in tristique. Nullam eget ultrices ipsum. Etiam sagittis lobortis libero vestibulum imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

How to Create an “unlinked” dedicated Exhibition Page.

A Exhibition Focus Page is a page that the viewer is directed to read more about a specific show. For example, the BAI BAI exhibition has an unlinked page viewable by clicking the button on the Exhibitions landing page and the feature section on the homepage. That page contains:

  • The show title (I like to use the vinyl file as a png or a large jpeg)

  • dates

  • the installation shots (in a slideshow format)

  • full artist statement

  • artist interview if one is conducted

  • artist biography

    All exhibitions need a dedicated page to home all the information.

  • Duplicate the EXHIB FOCUS TEMPLATE PAGE as you need it

  • Make sure to rename the copy, and rename the url slug.

  • Have fun filling the template!

Below watch a quick preview of the EXHIB FOCUS Template


Updating the Member’s Galleria

Just like the Exhibition pages. The Member’s Galleria will be updated and edited the same way. There’s a section promoting it on the Homepage. (See the section below)

But instead of the Galleria having a landing page, it will be linked directly to a focused galleria page.

Old shows will be moved directly to the Archived Exhibitions and Events. I will show how best to do this smoothly.

This is the Member’s Galleria Feature Section for the Homepage. It is in the Saved Sections

James Cameron's "Titanic" is an epic, action-packed romance set against the ill-fated maiden voyage of the R.M.S. Titanic; the pride and joy of the White Star Line and, at the time, the largest moving object ever built. She was the most luxurious liner of her era -- the "ship of dreams" -- which ultimately carried over 1,500 people to their death in the ice cold waters of the North Atlantic in the early hours of April 15, 1912.

Month 00th - Month 00th

You will see that the Artist Name and Show Title is an image.

This is a file that I created in Canva as a template. You can find it in a Canva folder called “WEBSITE TEMPLATES”

  • make a copy of the template file, there’s both a white and black option.

  • Type the Artist’s name in regular case.

  • Type the SHOW TITLE in uppercase.

  • Export the Canva file and download as a png, make sure the resolution is large, double it. (2)

  • Upload the image in place of the “Artist Name, SHOW TITLE”

Member’s Galleria Focus Page

The Member’s Galleria Focus Page can be created using the Template “MEMBGALLFOCUS TEMP”

Duplicate the Template, rename the copy, and make sure the url slug makes sense. Fill in the template as laid out.

There’s a video below on the process of copying the template, accessing, copying and editing the Canva Show Title and uploading it to the website.

Once your new Member’s Galleria Focus page is done. Make sure the url slug is easily found and link it to the button that is ready to go on the Homepage Galleria Feature section.

Moving the Member’s Galleria Focus Page to the Archive

The process for moving the Member’s Galleria Focus Page takes a few extra steps, but once you get the hang of it, it can be quick and easy. I’ll record these steps in a screen recording and put them below:

Written Instructions

  1. Open and edit the current Members Galleria Focus Page.

  2. Save each of the individual sections using the heart icon.

  3. Save and close the page.

  4. Find the Exhibitions & Event Archive in the main navigation.

  5. Find the last Members Galleria entry and duplicate it using the “gear” icon.

  6. Rename and change the url slug on the new copied entry.

  7. Edit this new page, delete the old sections and replace with the saved sections from the focus page you’re wanting to archive.

  8. Save and exit.

  9. Entries can be easily moved and rearranged by clicking and dragging the entries in the Exhib & Events Archive.

That’s the end of the Tutorial!

Below this Section are Templates for each dedicated Page. I will label accordingly what is needed for each Block.